Several reunions, get-togethers, Facebook Groups, breakfast clubs, and other activities have made their mark on Social Media platforms in recent years. There are also several Grenadier Guards Association Branches with a Facebook presence. Collectively, these events and groups are referred to as Virtual Grenadiers as they operate in the virtual world of the Internet.
Some of the events are a “no frills” gathering, but a great opportunity to turn up, have a drink and a catch up with friends; some of whom they wouldn’t have seen, or been in contact with, for many years.
Many of these are run by, and have group members, who are Grenadiers, but who may not otherwise be active within the Grenadier Guards Association. Nonetheless, they are an excellent addition to keep Grenadiers in touch with former military colleagues and friends, and to augment the Esprit de Corps we all have for the greatest Regiment in the world – The Grenadier Guards!
The aim of this post is to list details of any such activity (that we are aware of), so that others can easily find links to the information, then take matters forward as they might wish. Alternatively, if you are looking for a breakfast club, or a reunion or just conversation with old friends from your days in the Grenadiers, then head for the website and find the link for the Virtual Facebook Groups which may help get you where you want to go!
Suffolk and Essex Grenadier Breakfast
- Location: The Cock Inn, Clare CO10 8PX (The Pub is Grenadier Friendly)
- Order of Dress: Casual order of dress
- All Grenadier veterans welcome. For the ration roll, please let Kev Kitcher know if you want to join them at the breakfast RV.
- Time: 1000 hrs
- Dates (generally held on the 2nd Saturday of each month):
- Organiser: Kev Kitcher
2nd Bn Grenadier Guards No Two Company Reunion 2025
- Date: Saturday 24 May 2025 (weekend of the Spring Bank Holiday on Monday 26th May 2025)
- Venue: Nottingham – Further detail yet to be confirmed
- Organiser: Gary Eldershaw
- Date: potentially Friday 27 June 2025 (the day before Grenadier Day)
- Venue: Yet TBC, but somewhere in the Aldershot area
- Event details: This reunion is for the former members of Number 5 Platoon who formed at the Guards Depot, Pirbright in July 1984 (that’s 40+ years ago) and passed out in December 1984. Platoon Commander was Lt CST Page, Platoon Sergeant was Sgt RC Goodson (to 14th week) then CoH P Henney, Instructors were: LSgt R Baynham, LSgt G Wardell, LCoH G Dobbie, LCoH Laidlaw, and the BRI was LCpl Hatcher.
- Contact: Mick Pitchford or Robert (Bob) Goodson
- Date: Saturday 20 September 2025 – from 1600 hrs
- Venue: Sgts Mess at the Artillery Grounds, White Ladies Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2LG
- Organiser: Keith Smith
- Details: After the great success of the last reunion, the next Support Company reunion will be held in Bristol on Saturday 20th September 2025, timings will be 16.00 until 23:59. For the reunion, we have again exclusive use of the Sgts Mess at The Artillery Grounds, Whiteladies Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2LG. Food will again be available, menu to be confirmed at a later date.
The reunion is open to members that served in Support Company which includes, their guests and all Grenadiers both “Past and Present”
Don’t miss out on another great reunion filled with great banter, and reminiscing. So please pass the word no excuses, you have plenty of time to plan for another great gathering, so let’s make it another fantastic reunion.
- 1st Grenadier Guards 3 Company Seventies Reunion
- 2nd Bn Grenadier Guards MT Platoon
- 5 Platoon
- Former Members of the Grenadier Guards Group
- Grenadier Drummers On The Piss
- Grenadier Guards
- Grenadier Guards Company Platoon Squad Photo’s
- Grenadier Guards Association – Kent Branch
- Grenadier Guards Association Gloucestershire Branch
- Grenadier Guards Association – Liverpool Branch
- Grenadier Guards Association Northampton Branch
- Grenadier Guards Association Surrey & East Hampshire Branch
- Grenadier Guards Association – Wallsall Branch
- Grenadier Guards Association Wolverhampton Branch
- Grenadier Guards Friends
- Grenadier Guards in France
- Grenadier Guards MT Platoon
- Grenadier Guards (Notts) Branch
- Grenadier Guards Past and Present
- Grenadier Guards Past and Present 1st Battalion
- Grenadier Guards Reunion
- Grenadier Guards Sergeants’ Mess Past and Present Club
- Grenadier Polo Day
- Grenadier Signals Platoon
- Grenadier Guards The Worlds No1 Regiment!
- Grenadier Guards Veterans
- Leicestershire and Rutland Grenadier Guards Association
- Manchester Grenadiers
- Nijmegen Company Grenadier Guards Old And New
- Number 1 Company 2nd Bn Grenadier Guards
- Number Two Company 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards
- Number 3 Company 1 Grenadier Guards
- Oxfordshire Grenadier Guards Association
- Old Grenadier Mates
- Once A Grenadier Always A Grenadier
- Past And Present Members Of The Band of the Grenadier Guards
- R650 “The Queen’s Company”. Crossmaglen 25 Year Reunion
- Regimental Headquarters Grenadier Guards
- Support Company Grenadier Guards
- Support The Grenadier Guards
- The Facebook Grenadiers
- The Inkerman Company 2 Gren. Guards, THE RIBS!
- The Inkerman Company , 2nd Bn. Grenadier Guards
- The Second Battalion Grenadier Guards (2 Gren. Gds.) The Models
- Whatever Happened To That Grenadier
- Wigan St Helens & District Grenadier Guards Association
- Folkestone & District Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club – not exclusively Grenadiers, but several of the members of the Grenadier Guards Association – Kent Branch attend their breakfasts
- Grenadier Breakfast Club (East Midlands)
- Grenadier Breakfast – recently started by Kev Kitcher
If there are any events, or groups, that you are aware of that are not listed above, then please let us have detail. You can easily pass detail to us via our Contact Us page.