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Not a Branch organised event, but is advertised here as it is an event of great military interest.

We have received confirmation that the date for the King’s Birthday Parade (Trooping the Colour) is Saturday 14 June 2025.

Trooping the Colour is an annual event that has marked the sovereign’s official birthday for two-and-a-half centuries. Upholding the tradition, His Majesty King Charles III, who was born on November 14 1948, will celebrate his birthday twice. Once on his actual birthday and then publicly at Trooping The Colour in June.  Each Regiment has a Colonel who is either a member of the Royal Family or a senior officer.

Number 7 Company Coldstream Guards will Troop their Colour in the presence of His Majesty The King.

The parade has historically featured more than 1,400 parading soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians. Beginning at Buckingham Palace, the Parade moved down The Mall to Horse Guard’s Parade, where it was joined by Members of the Royal Family on horseback and in carriages. The Parade closed with the traditional RAF fly-past, watched by The Monarch and Members of the Royal Family from the Buckingham Palace balcony.

Please go to www.kbp.army.mod.uk to purchase your tickets to the Major General’s Review and the Colonel’s Review. These are likely to be on sale from February 2025 onwards.

Tickets for the King’s Birthday Parade are extremely popular and are therefore usually allocated via a ballot. To enter the ballot so that you may purchase tickets, please visit that same www.kbp.army.mod.uk URL.  These tickets sell out very fast.

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